Recently, many people asked me what is energy healing and how does it work?? Here are some useful information about 'Sekhem' Living Light Energy, the system of wisdom in a spiritual sense.
What is Sekhem?
Sekhem is a complete energy system that can be used effectively in the prevention of and aid healing of illness, disease, anxiety and crisis. This energy healing system, channelled from Source, has an energy of very high vibration, resulting in the energy penetrating to very deep levels very quickly indeed and can be described as a form of Spiritual Healing. The energy can be applied to people, animals, situations and to help heal our planet. Sekhem has one of the highest vibrational energies amongst healing modalities at this present time.
How does it work?
Sekhem works directly with intention upon our core issues and belief systems and works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels simultaneously, addressing deep lying and subtle aspects of cause, releasing even deeply held thought forms which can create symptoms of disease or blockages in our lives. Sekhem affects every molecule and cell in a cleansing, balanced and healing manner and there are no long drawn out cleansing periods for the cleansing is instantaneous.
The Practitioner asks for the energy to flow for the highest good and intention of the client. It is the recipient, through focus on their intention and what is required, who sets the purpose of the treatment session. In this way the energy of Sekhem assists the individual to take some responsibility for their own healing, growth and development. It is wise therefore to give some thought to what one really wants, and to ask for it in a way which is positive and this is explained prior to a treatment so that the client can come prepared if necessary with what they want changing in their life.
The History
There is only one Source of all energy but Sekhem comes to us via the star system Sirius to Lemuria, and then to Egypt and Altantis. Sekhem carries that very high vibrational frequency and distinctive pattern of the Sirian energy, a healing system practiced in the ancient temples of Egypt over 5,000 years ago, although believed to have actually emanated from even earlier cultures that this. It was considered even during those ancient times that disease occurred from an emotional state which if first addressed and healed, continued to heal whatever ailed the body.
Historically the energy of 'Sekhem' which means 'Might and Authority' in Egyptian had been found in ancient scrolls in temple ruins and the pyramids. It is believed this energy also had a connection to the Goddess Sekhmet. Through misuse of the energy due to corrupt temple hierachy, Sekhem got lost in the mists of time until it was rediscovered by Helen Belot in Australia in 1992 as SEKHEM.
Treatment Form
A treatment usually lasts over an hour and can also take the form of a counselling session seated in a comfortable armchair. Sekhem can be given either as a seated treatment of about 20-30 minutes or as a full treatment on a massage bed and is always fully clothed. Sekhem treatment is only half hands-on and the practitioner's hands leave the body once they get to the torso area and beam the energy around 6 or 8 inches above the body: but don't worry, all energy in fact, can be received far more strongly by having the hands off the person. A session can include interactive dialogue between the client and practitioner if necessary, in order for the practitioner to work on a particular area; but it is usual for a client to be in a completely and deeply relaxed state.
SEATED TREATMENT: Seated Healing is a treatment in an office or anywhere that is not appropriate for the client to lie down.
ABSENTEE TREATMENT: Absent/Distant/Remote Healing is really just to send this loving healing energy to someone who is not physically present. Spiritual Healing comes from the Spirit, works through the Spirit of the one who is channelling the energy to the Spirit of the person receiving it.. It can be as effective from a Distant as Hands-on Healing is, a remote treatment for affecting another person even if they are many miles away.
Whichever way you wish to experience this powerful yet gentle healing energy, Sekhem at the end of every treatment, it will even out the energies as well as resetting the cellular structure of the body. It untangles nerve currents to remove blocks that inhibit the free flow of energy, so that we can abundant health and balance in our lives.